St Cleers Chapel: Sharing Jesus, Sharing Life
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Welcome to St Cleers Chapel

A warm welcome awaits you at St. Cleers Chapel. We are an independent Evangelical church in the town of Somerton, Somerset. Our family here is made up of young and old, and all are welcome to join us as we live out our vision the share Jesus and share life. We are a church that, inspired by our faith in Christ, seek to reach out with God’s love to the communities we represent. We are a church that, by rooting ourselves in The Bible, seek to press on and grow in our faith. We are a church that, by our commitment to one another, find joy in worshiping God together and being part of the St. Cleers family. You are very welcome to attend any of our services or events.

Our Services

Sunday morning Worship and Bible Teaching. Kids Church and Crèche provided.

At St Cleers we strive to be a family friendly church. We have 15 minutes of family worship at the start of our service and then the children leave for their own supervised, age appropriate groups, rejoining the service for the final song.

For those unable to attend we live stream the third part of our service on our YouTube Channel.

Regular Events

Throughout the week, various activities happen within the fellowship. These include events such as our popular Bump To Five Toddlers group and Homegroups. Please see our social media feeds for more information.

Our Vision & Mission

Reaching Out

MATTHEW 28:18-20

Making Mission a priority
Challenged to serve our community
Being good neighbours

Pressing On

COLOSSIANS 1:10-11   |   EPHESIANS 6:7-8

Responding to God’s calling
Practising our gifts
Serving wholeheartedly

Being Part Of It

ACTS 2:42-44

Dynamic prayer & worship
Applying God’s word to our lives
Commitment to one another

St Cleers Chapel
45 Polham Lane
TA11 6SP

01458 272716
© 2022 St Cleers Chapel, Somerton. All Rights Reserved. Website Design by bpdesign